
Sunday, October 3, 2010

What’s your body trying to tell you?

What’s your body trying to tell you?


Every pop, ping, ache, and pain has a meaning. Here’s when to take action.

And don't miss:
A Decade-by-Decade Guide to Protecting Your Bones
Keep Your Mind and Body in Top Condition

    • Cracking Joints
    • Dry Eyes
    • Cold Hands
    • A Chronic Cough
    • Muscle Cramps in Legs
    • Night Sweats
    • Snoring
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A Chronic Cough

Most Likely Causes:
Something is tickling your throat, and a cough is your body's reflexive way of trying to expel the irritant. It may be postnasal drainage from allergies, or you may have hyperactive nasal mucus membranes sending liquid down your throat. Acid reflux can also irritate the throat and trigger coughing.

Related: 10 Things You Should Be Doing to Boost Your Immunity

Less Likely Causes:
Airway spasms are a side effect of some drugs, such as ACE inhibitors. Chronic obstructive lung disease (often due to smoking), pulmonary fibrosis (which involves scarring of the lungs), or a heart-valve problem can also produce coughing if fluid accumulates in the lungs.

What to do:
-Schedule a checkup and discuss any other symptoms you may have to help your doctor figure out what's going on. He will probably listen to your lungs and heart and may even order a chest X-ray. Treating the underlying condition should stop the cough.

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