
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Weak Manager vs Strong Manager

Management Traps and How to Avoid Them

Much has been written about the secrets of good management and few will argue that the best managers are inspired, visionary, dedicated, industrious, energetic, energizing and display integrity, leadership, common sense and courage. So where is it that managers commonly fail or falter and lose their precious foothold on the corporation's top rungs? The following, from the career experts at, are ten of the most basic management traps and tips to avoid them:
Weak managers set weak goals

As a manager your role is to get specific jobs completed by employees in the most optimal, efficient and innovative manner and in order to do that, you need to set clear objectives. Successful managers set SMART goals - goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based. They are able to communicate these goals clearly, simply and concisely to their employees so that none are vague or uncertain about expectations. By all means reach for the stars in your objectives but to do so without supplying employees with the training, resources, flexibility and freedom they need to accomplish their goals and a schedule of regular supervision and feedback is to set them (and yourself) up for failure.

Weak managers micro-manage - effective leaders inspire

The days of command and control organizations are long over - today's managers recognize that in order to leverage their skills and maximize their team's output they need to adopt a flexible approach and 'lead' their teams to excellence rather than closely supervise, instruct and control them. The best leaders communicate to their employees a vision and ignite in them the fire, motivation and desire to work towards making this vision a reality. Good leaders unleash their employees to innovate and achieve optimal solutions by communicating top-level goals and objectives and a suggested blueprint for success then leaving the employees to determine how to get there most optimally while ensuring they have the aptitudes, training, resources and work environment necessary to achieve superior results. While a program of regular feedback and supervision is essential, managers should ensure that their management style is not repressive, meddling or overly overbearing. The golden rule is to communicate the 'what' and the 'why' of the work that needs to be done and leave the employees to determine the 'how' without burdening them with strict instruction manuals or prescribed rules and patterns that are largely redundant and inconducive to speed, creativity, progress and innovation.

Weak managers are afraid of hiring/cultivating strong leaders

Strong leaders/managers have the self-confidence to hire the best people, take them to new levels and cultivate in them all the qualities needed to make them in turn effective leaders of the future. Weak leaders replicate themselves in their hiring decisions and hire mediocre players, mistakenly believing that an employee with more skills, acumen or industry knowledge than themselves will ultimately undermine them or make them look bad. The best managers are characterized by an ability to stimulate their employees to superior performance and through coaching, training, feedback as well as by example, inspire in them all the qualities needed to make effective managers. A good manager helps employees achieve their full potential and constantly raises the bar so that employees never stop learning, innovating and growing. Coaching, training, career planning and programs for ongoing growth and development of key staff are high on the priority lists of the best managers.

Weak managers belittle their employees

Bosses who favour the archaic 'tough' management style where employees are singled out for public reprimand and negative feedback is plentiful while recognition and positive reinforcement are scarce will fail to win the loyalty, respect and commitment of their teams over the long run. Without an inspired, fired up, self-confident employee base these managers set themselves and their teams up for failure. Effective leaders by contrast, respect their employees and give them regular feedback with intelligent constructive criticism and loudly laud special accomplishments in both public and private, while communicating any negative feedback ONLY in private and focusing such criticism strictly on the job performance, not the person's character. Strong leaders recognize and reward a job well done. These leaders inspire their teams to perform at their best and are able to elicit from them a high degree of loyalty and a 'hunger' to raise the bar and continuously excel. In such organisations, employees are not afraid to challenge their boss's ideas or upset the status quo in the interest of innovation and excellence and are encouraged to take risks to elevate the business to a new level. The autocrats and bureaucrats on the other hand sap their employees' self-confidence, drive and energy with their overbearing management style and fail to induce in them any motivation to raise the bar or excel.

Weak managers have obsolete skills-strong leaders constantly reinvent themselves
In today's knowledge-driven economies and highly competitive environment, skills, training and education rapidly become obsolete and effective managers know that they must constantly re-educate themselves and update their skills to maintain an edge. While over-confident managers with an inertia to further education fall by the wayside, good managers regularly take an honest inventory of their skills and abilities and upgrade their technical knowledge and soft skills wherever appropriate. They encourage their teams to do likewise with sound career planning and performance appraisal programs and an emphasis on training and self-education.

Weak managers have poor communication skills

Good communication includes cultivating and maintaining open channels of communication with the team and others in the organisation, giving constructive, intelligent feedback, eliciting ideas through brainstorming sessions or otherwise, articulating the company vision and mission in no uncertain terms, setting clear objectives and listening attentively with an open-mind to employees grievances, suggestions and any other issues. Effective leaders have an open-door policy that welcomes input, suggestions and feedback from employees and recognize that good ideas and the next best idea/process/innovation can come from anywhere. Strong leaders listen; weak leaders talk. Strong leaders pay attention to their employees and encourage them to express professional opinions and ask for more responsibility; weak leaders think they are above such open-door policies. Employees who are not listened to and are not made to feel important or respected as professionals or individuals are unlikely to innovate or express any exciting new ideas that can move a company forward.

Weak managers blame

Everybody makes mistakes and strong leaders protect their good people from taking the fall when they err. Good bosses recognize that the occasional slip-ups are inevitable and can be learning opportunities and are ready to take personal responsibility when the team makes a misstep. A good boss realizes that his most promising employees want to succeed, will grow as a result of their mistakes and are unlikely to repeat the same mistakes. They do no set their people up as a negative example for the rest of the organization nor point fingers when the going gets tough. Good bosses are personably accountable for their actions as well as the actions of their subordinates and do not allow a culture of blame to permeate the organisation.

Weak managers take full credit for their team's accomplishments

While weak leaders usurp all the credit for a job well done by their teams, the strongest leaders will give the full credit to the team as a whole or the team member responsible for the project. Strong leaders motivate, energize and inspire by giving credit where credit is due and being generous with reward and recognition wherever appropriate. Strong leaders publicly thank their employees for a job well done and recognize that a motivated, successful, energized team will reflect directly on the boss.

Weak managers thrive on bureaucracy

Weak leaders are fond of, augment and live well with the layers and bureaucratic shackles that tie an organisation down; strong leaders remove them. Today's effective leaders recognize that in order to compete they must operate like a small company with a high level of speed, responsiveness and flexibility. They realize that to maintain their edge in today's marketplace their organization needs to be responsive to changing market conditions and remove the shackles, boundaries, layers, clutter and obsolete policies, procedures and routines that get in the way of the freedom and free flow of people, resources and ideas.

Weak managers are divorced from their teams

Effective managers genuinely care about their employees and take the time to get to know them and to understand their strengths, weaknesses, what makes them tick and their goals and ambitions. They also take the time to learn something about their personal life. While weak managers will maintain an outdated aloofness and a formal distance from their teams, exceptional managers are able to bring out the best in every employee and win their loyalty and respect by understanding their unique needs, motivations and abilities and showing the team that they are important and personally significant. Strong managers are team players and through their constant involvement with their teams communicate to them that they are there for them and supportive of them. Effective managers by building a supportive work environment, build a camaraderie and team spirit that enthuses and excites the team to new levels of performance.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Home Remedies for Gas

What is Stomach Gas Problem?

Gas trouble or flatulence is not a disease in itself but is a health condition which can be caused as a result of some diseases and disorders.

Causes of Stomach Gas Trouble / Flatulence 

Some causes of stomach gas can be:

  • Excessive intake of alcohol
  • Not chewing the food properly
  • Eating too spice food
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Frequent intake of large quantities of condiments and sauces
  • Bacterial Infection- H Pylori is a bacteria that causes chronic gastric problems
  • Digestive disorders / intestinal malfunction
Symptoms of  stomach gas are bad breath, Coated tongue, Lack of appetite, abdominal bloating, abdominal belching, flatulence etc.

Home Remedies for  Gas

Drinking Chopped turmeric leaves with a cup of milk is one of the effective home remedies for gas..

Another simple and easy home remedy for gas is : Boil Guava leaves in water, strain and drink the water.

Potato juice is excellent remedy for stomach gas. Drink half a cup of it, an hour before meals. This can be done thrice a day.

Ginger is among most effective home remedies for gas trouble. Chewing fresh ginger can help in stomach gas. 
Alternatively mix ginger powder with a pinch of rock salt and a pinch of asafoetida and a cup of water and drink it. Drink ginger tea after meals, it will promote proper digestion.

For instant relief from stomach gas trouble drink baking soda with water. It is widely  used as an effective antacid.

Apple Cider Vinegar for gas : Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits, it is use as an effective home remedy for many health conditions. It is also an instant relief home remedies for gas.

Take a glass of warm water, mix 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and let it cool. Consume it when it comes to room temperature.

Avoid physical inactivity. Incorporate exercise in daily routine in order to avoid stomach gas trouble.

Avoid dairy and poultry products like eggs and milk.

One of the best home remedies for gas is cinnamon. Make a cinnamon solution for gas by boiling cinnamon in water. Once boiled cool the cinnamon solution in room temperature and drink it. This aids in preventing further formation of stomach gas.
 Asafoetida ( hing in hindi ) ca also be used as a remedy for gas trouble. Take a glass of warm water add a pinch of asafoetida in it. Mix well and drink it.

Brandy for gas relief : Mix two tsp. of brandy to a glass of warm water and drink it before going to bed.

Dill (Anethum graveolens) oil for stomach gas trouble relief :  Dill oil is extracted from seeds, leaves and stem of a Dill plant which is a herb. Its has got properties that brings it among the home remedies for gas.

Take one tsp. of honey and add a drop of Dill oil to it. Consume it after every meal. This provide relief from gas trouble. Please note Dill oil is not recommended for pregnant women.

Chewing celery leaves can also help as quick relief from gas trouble

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Home Remedies

8 Home Remedies

By Brynn Mannino

Nobody is naysaying the wonders of modern medicine-what would we do without a medication like penicillin to treat infections? But, as it turns out, everyday items have secret curing powers, too. Next time you don't want to fork over money to get a common wart removed, consider using duct tape. Already popped two aspirin but can't get rid of the headache? A pencil could do the trick. Below, get medical explanations behind a few bizarre-albeit brilliant-MacGyver-esque home remedies.

Duct Tape to Remove Warts

In 2002, a group of doctors compared duct tape's effectiveness with liquid nitrogen in removing warts. After two months of wearing duct tape on a daily basis and using a pumice stone about once a week to exfoliate the dead skin, 85 percent of patients' warts were gone, whereas freezing only removed 60 percent. "The question is whether there is something in the chemical adhesive itself, or if the occlusion (suffocation) causes the destruction of the wart," says New York City-based dermatologist, Robin Blum, MD. "The other thinking is that the duct tape causes irritation, which stimulates our body's immune cells to attack the wart." Photo: Thinkstock Learn 4 ways to fight cold sores.

Vapor Rub to Cure Nail Fungus

While there are no studies to prove coating infected toenails with vapor rub once or twice a day is an effective treatment for nail fungus, a basic Internet search results in a number of personal testaments to the medicinal ointment's fungus-killing powers. "I've heard many patients say that vapor rub does help, but I'm not exactly sure why," Dr. Blum admits. While some argue it's the menthol in the balm that kills the fungus and others say it's the smothering effect of the thick gel, if used consistently, vapor rub has been shown to get rid of not just the fungus, but the infected toenail, too, which will turn black and eventually fall off. When the new nail grows in, it should be fungus-free. Photo: Thinkstock

Oatmeal to Soothe Eczema

"This is absolutely true, as oats have anti-inflammatory properties," Dr. Blum says. Whether it's used as a paste or poured into a bath, most experts recommend choosing colloidal (finely ground) oatmeal and soaking the affected area for at least 15 minutes. In addition to reducing inflammation, oats are thought to have an antihistamine effect, Dr. Blum says. By lowering levels of histamine, which triggers inflammation as part of the immune system's recovery response, she explains, oats prevent or reduce the redness. Photo: Thinkstock
Check out these simple itchy-skin soothers.

Yogurt to Cure Bad Breath

Bad breath comes from a number of places, the two most common being the mouth and the stomach. The neutralizing powers of yogurt and other probiotics treat the latter cause. "Yogurt shouldn't have any effect at all on the bacteria that live on the tongue because it's not there long enough," says Robert Meltzer, MD, a New York City-based gastroenterologist and attending physician at Lenox Hill Hospital. However, it likely has a neutralizing effect on the acid that resides anywhere between the mouth and the stomach, including the back of the throat and the esophagus, he explains. "I think almost any milk product or food that contains live cultures would have the same effect." While yogurt can get rid of bad breath that results from gastrological conditions, like acid reflux, it won't have any real effect on bad breath that is the product of gum, liver or lung disease, says Ohio-based dentist Matthew Messina, DDS. Photo: Thinkstock

A Spoonful of Sugar to Cure Hiccups

In 1971, Edgar Engelman, MD, conducted a study to find out if a spoonful of sugar really is an effective cure for hiccups. He assembled a group of 20 patients who had been experiencing intractable hiccups for more than six hours, eight of whom had had them anywhere from a full day to six weeks. Each of the test subjects was given one teaspoon of white granulated sugar to swallow dry, and for 19 of the 20 hiccup patients, the cure was immediate. André Dubois, MD, a gastroenterologist in Bethesda, Maryland, noted in The Doctors Book of Home Remedies that "the sugar is probably acting in the mouth to modify the nervous impulses that would otherwise tell the muscles in the diaphragm to contract spasmodically." Photo: iStockphoto
Find out what causes hiccups and more.

Bite a Pencil to Cure a Headache

While doctors aren't sure why we do it, clenching our teeth is a common side effect of stress. According to Fred Sheftell, MD, director of the New England Center for Headache in Stamford, Connecticut, when we clench up, we strain the muscle that connects the jaw to the temples, which can trigger a tension headache. By placing a pencil between our teeth-but not biting down-we relax our jaw muscles, which eradicates tension and reduces pain. Just remember, the remedy really only applies to tension headaches-not migraines or headaches caused by sinus pressure, etc. Photo: Thinkstock

Olives for Motion Sickness

According to the National Library of Medicine, there are a number of symptoms that present themselves as a result of motion sickness, including increased salivation, which is the body's way of protecting the teeth from the high doses of acid accompanied by vomit. Enter olives, which contain tannins that, when released in the mouth, work to dry saliva-first eliminating the symptom and then the body's instinct to follow suit. However, the treatment is only effective during the early stages of nausea, when the salivation changes first appear. Photo: Thinkstock
Discover 75 easy ways to keep your family healthy.

Gargle Salt Water for a Sore Throat

When you were a kid and had a sore throat, your mom likely made you gargle warm water with salt in it...and she was definitely on to something. According to Douglas Hoffman MD, PhD, author of the website The Medical Consumer's Advocate, a sore throat is an inflammatory response of the infected tissues, and the salt helps draw out the excess fluid to temporarily decrease swelling and the pain it causes. Most remedies call for a ratio of 1 tablespoon salt to 8 ounces of water, but it's always better to opt for more salt rather than less. Just keep in mind that you are treating the symptoms-not the illness. As Dr. Hoffman notes on his website: "The relief is very real, but also tends to be short-lived, since the gargle has done nothing to remove the cause of the sore throat." Photo: Thinkstock

Monday, February 20, 2012

Can you be Leaving Money on the Table?

Can you be Leaving Money on the Table?

Minority Business Certifications come in several types and some are easier to qualify for than others.  In today’s competitive world, could you be8 (a) 8a WBE MBE leaving money on the table?  Felix Zapata, an expert in the field of minority and disadvantaged business certifications.  Felix told us “many government “set-asides” or contracts reserved for Certified businesses go unclaimed because businesses do not know they are qualified to apply”
Some of the Minority Business Certifications that are available are:
8a WBE MBE(MBE) Minority Business Enterprises A minority –owned business is a for-profit enterprise, regardless of size, physically located in the United States of its territories, which is owned, operated and controlled by minority group members.  A minority is generally defined as an individual who is African American, Hispanic American, Asian American, or Native American and is elligable for Minority Business Certifications.
Certification for Women owned and controled businesses

(WBE) Women Business Enterprises Certifications signifies that a business is owned by a woman or group of women.  Government agencies and corporate procurement offices require third-party verification that a business is owned by a woman or group of women in their fulfillment of “set-asides and diversity programs.  WEB minority business certifications are available to businesses possessing 51% ownership by a woman or group of women.
8a Minority Business Certifications are the only ones issued by federal govt.
(8 (a) Certification This Certification is the only one provided by the Federal Government, and is the hardest to qualify for.  Only applicants who are members of socially disadvantaged groups and are economically disadvantaged can be considered for approval to this Minority Business Certification program.  Many 8(a) applicants become ineligible for 8 (a) certification due to the $250,000 net worth limit.  This limit is defined as a personal net worth of $250,000 or less, excluding the equity in a personal residence or the business itself.
Felix Zapata will be hosting a free informational webinar on the merits and qualifications of becoming a recipient of Minority Business Certifications.  He will cover the different types of minority business certifications in depth, along with the varying qualifications to apply.  Could you be leavening contracts unclaimed, low interests and grants
Looking for business; Minority Business Certifications could be the answer!
aside, and money on the table?


Friday, February 17, 2012


A lot of trouble would disappear if only 
people would learn to talk to one another 
instead of talking about one another.....

When you pray for others, 
God listens to you and blesses them, 
so when you are safe and happy, 
remember that someone is praying for you...

Life is not always smooth and soft. There may
be narrow ways, up and downs, darkness and
shadows. Overcome everything with wisdom and patience.

Never Be Proud Nor Depressed For 
What You Are And The Position You Hold In Society.
Remember, After The Game Of Chess,
King And Pawns Go In The Same Box.

One simple tip to stay happy always.
Never think & speak about a 3rd person,
& Never think what a 3rd person thinks & speaks about you.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Because of recent abductions
In daylight hours, refresh yourself
of these things to do
in an emergency situation...
This is for you,
and for you to share
with your wife,
your children,
everyone you know.
After reading these 10 crucial tips,
forward them to someone you care about.
It never hurts to be careful
in this crazy world we live in.
Tip from Tae Kwon Do :
The elbow is the strongest point
on your body.
If you are close enough to use it, do!
Learned this from a tourist guide.
If a robber asks for your wallet and/or purse,
Toss it away from you....
Chances are that he is more interested
in your wallet and/or purse than you,
and he will go for the wallet/purse.
3. If you are ever thrown into the trunk of a car,
kick out the back tail lights and stick your arm out the hole
and start waving like crazy..
The driver won't see you, but everybody else will.
This has saved lives.
4. Women have a tendency to get into their cars
after shopping, eating, working, etc., and just sit
(doing their chequebook, or making a list, etc.
The predator will be watching you, and this
is the perfect opportunity for him to get in
on the passenger side, put a gun to your head,
and tell you where to go.

If someone

is in the car
with a gun
to your head
Instead gun the engine
and speed into anything, wrecking the car.
Your Air Bag will save you.
If the person is in the back seat
they will get the worst of it .
As soon as the car crashes
bail out and run.
It is better than having them find your body
in a remote location.
5. A few notes about getting
into your car in a parking lot,
or parking garage:
A.) Be aware:
look around you,
look into your car,
at the passenger side floor ,
and in the back seat
B.) If you are parked next to a big van,
enter your car from the passenger door.
Most serial killers attack their victims
by pulling them into their vans while the women
are attempting to get into their cars.
C.) Look at the car
parked on the driver's side of your vehicle,
and the passenger side... If a male is sitting alone
in the seat nearest your car, you may want to walk back
into the mall, or work, and get a
guard/policeman to walk you back out.
IT IS ALWAYS BETTER TO BE SAFE THAN SORRY. (And better paranoid than dead.)
6. ALWAYS take the elevator
instead of the stairs.
Stairwells are horrible places to be alone
and the perfect crime spot.
This is especially true at NIGHT!)
7. If the predator has a gun
and you are not under his control,
The predator will only hit you (a running target)
4 in 100 times; and even then,
it most likely WILL NOT be a vital organ.
RUN, Preferably in a zig -zag pattern!
8. As women, we are always trying
to be sympathetic:
It may get you raped, or killed.
Ted Bundy, the serial killer, was a good-looking,
well educated man, who ALWAYS played
on the sympathies of unsuspecting women.
He walked with a cane, or a limp, and often
asked 'for help' into his vehicle or with his vehicle,
which is when he abducted
his next victim.

9. Another Safety Point:
Someone just told me that her friend heard
a crying baby on her porch the night before last,
and she called the police because it was late
and she thought it was weird.. The police told her
'Whatever you do, DO NOT
open the door...'
The lady then said that it sounded like the baby
had crawled near a window, and she was worried
that it would crawl to the street and get run over.
The policeman said, 'We already have a unit on the way,
whatever you do, DO NOT open the door.'
He told her that they think a serial killer
has a baby's cry recorded and uses it to coax
women out of their homes thinking that someone
dropped off a baby. He said they have not verified it,
but have had several calls by women saying that
they hear baby's cries outside their doors
when they're home alone at night.
10. Water scam!
If you wake up in the middle
of the night to hear all your taps outside running or what you think is a
burst pipe, DO NOT GO OUT TO INVESTIGATE! These people turn on all your
outside taps full ball so that you will go out to investigate and
then attack.

Stay alert, keep safe, and look out for your neighbours!

Please pass this on
This e-mail should probably be taken seriously because
the Crying Baby Theory was mentioned on
America 's Most Wanted when they profiled
the serial killer in Louisiana